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Six creative ways to spice up D-Hall food

by Maya Feyzo-Pearlman '19 & Zoe Chodak, 19岁

As far as dining halls go, 火博体育大学 isn't too shabby. In fact, it is ranked one of the best dining halls in the country. Sometimes however, the food can get drab 和无聊的. For those days when even the pizza doesn't seem appetizing, here are some creative dining hall hacks to spruce up your meal.

1. 浮冰沙士

When you are craving something more than the basic soft serve, this is a super easy 制作方法. 你拥有的一切 to do is take a cup and fill it up halfway with soft serve vanilla ice cream and then fill it up the rest of the way with root beer. If you are feeling adventurous, you can always mix it up and try other drinks. 

2. 披萨百吉饼

For this dining hall hack, prep a small bowl of tomato sauce from pasta station, grated cheese, and pizza seasonings (from pizza station). Cut one bagel in half, butter, and place on the grill. Place a layer of sauce, followed by a generous amount of cheese 在上面 of the bagel. Warm the bagel until the cheese melts. Remove the bagel from the grill, and sprinkle on seasonings!

3. 油炸玉米粉饼

When you have a break in between classes, this is a great meal to make. 你所需要的 are two wraps from deli, and then whatever toppings you want to put inside. 我个人 like to get chicken from diner as well as some veggies from salad bar. 你拥有的一切 to do is put the wrap on the griddle, add a bunch of cheese, and whatever else you desire to put in it. If you are feeling like you want to channel your inner chef, add an egg over easy 在上面. 

4. 冰淇淋三明治

cream, sandwich, cookie

This classic dining hall hack is super easy and so good. Take two seemingly symmetrical chocolate chip cookies and put on a plate. Dispense vanilla soft serve onto one cookie (dispense to your liking). Press both cookies together, and enjoy. 

5. 洞里的蛋

toast, bread, egg, butter, dairy product, fried egg

Also known as egg in the basket, or toad in the hole, this hack is perfect for breakfast. Take a piece of bread, butter both sides, and make a hole in it using one of the paper 杯子作为模板. Then take out the middle circle and put the bread on the griddle. 下一个, crack an egg in the hole and cook it as long as you want, depending on how runny you like your eggs. If you want to make it extra fancy, then add a piece of cheese 在上面.

6. 用大火炒


Grab some broccoli and fresh tofu from the salad bar. Sautee tofu for 3 minutes, occasionally flipping to avoiding charring. Leave broccoli on grill for 5-8 minutes, until edges are slightly darker. Mix with soy sauce, and place over rice.

Maya Feyzo-Pearlman '19 and Zoe Chodak, 19岁 are student bloggers providing unique student insight to life at Skidmore. This post was originally featured on